I will name it "growing up" . I think the title says a lot. I find with musicians, the second album is always something, like you have to prove yourself, or just in about how you go after the debut. The title" growing up" could represent lizzy as an artist, developing, growing up and doing it on her own and not with the help of daddy(which is an admirable thing, in my opinion).
I would like the cd packaging to open up, long ways, like growing taller. The background will be a old picket fence of sorts, covered with vines, flowers and some bees, ants, etc. Kind of like "an old soul" growing. The circle is how I want the dosc to look, a flower. There will be other flowers, vines, etc. This is a rough of what I want. I would like the vines to possibly be silhouettes, filled with some texture with a wash-like look. The flowers and bugs will be in detail, as will some of the details on the fence. Once opening up the fold, the inside will have credits and such, along with a holder for the disc.