Friday, January 30, 2009


A good one.
it almost passes for 2 spe ones , put together. interesting.

No one likes this one?

Just occurred to me, I dig this title sequence. And some of the stuff used makes me think of after effects.
Plus, I dig the show. Nice , short, simple title sequence for a show.

girls girls girls!

Working on my cd thingy for pop culture. This is a pseudo homage to Alfonso Mucha. The hair isn't finished tho.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I can get over the name being taken.
What i can't get over is the color choice. I mean, geez...I feel like I have to go back and rethink everything I have done, logo/branding wise.

What's worse is I just did a search for Mike rogers on Google.....good grief. How depressing. I knew my name was common, but THAT common?

Will the real Mike Rogers please stand up?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For Shauna, again.

I like this one more. I thougth it was pretty neat they did it all in Flash.

For Shauna.

Because I know you could have done MUCH better.

Another one~

I liked this one :)

Embedded it.

I wish I had thought of this sound bit. I forgot all about it :|

Monday, January 19, 2009

I love this poster.

It's so bad, it's good. I wish ppl were bold enough to do more crap like this.
I figure if most of the movies keep on rehashing content that's alreadt done, at least try to depict in another manner to breathe new life into it.

is it true?

this claims to be the definitive "top movie posters of all time" . har.

Interesting article.

Mind you, I do not care for the finished product, but the actual article on how he got there, and his process, was interesting.
Its about designing a movie poster, of all things.

resume the resume

It is still in progress, this is my first solid idea for it on paper so to speak...thoughts?

got it

the sound clip I'm going to use...
since I am a PC user...all that handbrake and snaps pro is useless shit to me, so I did some research online, and found a 10 day free trial of DVD x for pc users, that shite was cake, got it d/l, installed and the sound file ready in under 5 minutes~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


GDI I f**king hate aftereffects I want to go throw something out the GD window!!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Think I'm gettin there...

any thoughts?

Identity Crisis, Part 2!

More Ideas I churned out over the weekend.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

More that I like.

Thought this might be fun for the type project...

Come on, everyone knows who Kelly/Liam is :)

"F**k you with something hard and sand-papery" hahah

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Identity Crisis

So..over the break, I had my mind set on "re-branding myself". I don't know anyone that is happy with the logo project we all did back in our intro class. So I had been working on ideas, and none I am too content with (Imagine that).
So, to at least show I have been working, I'm gonna post some of it up. Not happy with any of it really, the hard part is finding out "what do I want to say about me" in a logo. I don't like the idea of using my name. It's boring and I just don't see it being something that clicks with things design related. I started with using my name, ugh. Then it never occurred to me, the first letters of first and last name, MR...were not just mister...ugh.... but rather just the consonants phonetically were like a "mur" sound. So, since I have always used murmur in my email for years now, what about murmur design? I started going with that , using the craptastic logo from intro GrD. I still like the name, but too bad its also the name of some firm in NY. I do like the colors tho.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Off track a sec....

So when I am feeling like I'm getting a cold, i like to drink Gatorade, Orange specifically.
And who has jumped on the re-branding bandwagon? That's right. I kind of like it, but it feels
a little common, predictable. The Rockwell-esque type (if it isn't straight up Rockwell) leads me to Burger King every time.

See for yourself.

By the way, this stems mostly ever since way back in 3200, when I rememeber someone, I think it was Joe, had posted the new Payless logo. Since then I have noticed all this rebranding. And Wal-Mart? Ugh. Looks like a "Church of Sam Walton" or something. It's also really early too, can't sleep. Screw it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dangerous Liasons intro

Another favorite, circa 1987 iirc. Doubt I will push for this one as a project tho.
If you haven't heard of it, you might know it from its total teen shit remake in the 90s, under the name "Cruel Intentions". I'm not biased at all~

Velvet Goldmine intro

This was my first Idea for a movie intro to do. I love this movie. Think it came out in 1995.

more bad.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ones I don't like. Really.

More I like.

I really dig this poster, i love all the angles and how there are no "heads in the sky" and clutter.
I remember a lot of the movie posters in the 80s were all a clutter, the more crap the better it seemed. This poster is so the white space, I am trying to appreciate white space better.
The Others... nice contrast here I think. Simple imagery, and not a bunch of filler crap on the page.

Vantage Point. While I did'nt see it, it definitely sparks interest for me. I love the collage imagery taking the shape of the man's body. The text is arranged differently from what I am used to seeing; It is a little spread out but still neatly arranged. More clean and simple, yummy!

Next up...The Exorcist. I remember this movie scared the crap outta me as a kid.
I love the contrast in the image. I remember seeing a spoof of this ona comic cover as a kid, but havent found an image of it yet.

Movie Posters I like....

First off, this will be 2, counting as one or so....
These are a series of teaser posters released for the upcoming J.J. Abrams' Star Trek film.
I really like these for several reasons. Firstly how you put them together to form the shape that is the symbol for the federation (yea, im a lil bit of a trekkie). Secondly, the color seems to correspond to the uniforms of the crew red for Uhura, Blue for Spock, etc.... Simple, Clever, and to the point.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok so, i am lazy. I admit it. I got tired of dealing with my own blog software and crap. Yes, I am lazy. plus the complaints about it, I thought this might be an easier route.
At least now I don't have to update the software and crap. Told you I was lazy.
Let the blogging commence!