I really like your exploration with Sublime. The name rolls off the tongue (you might have to answer the phone with your company name in the future). Also love the submarine character. A good character is hard to come by! He's like a little teaser for the company, he can pop up in so many places and you can avoid ramming the company name down your potential client's throat while still reminding them who you are. The best one to me is in the top right, second one from the top. I like the ones where the submarine is in the green and then bleeds out into the negative space. I don't think the word sublime should be divided up, it's understandable without that why you're using the submarine. Great job, I think you've really got something, Mike!
I really like your exploration with Sublime. The name rolls off the tongue (you might have to answer the phone with your company name in the future). Also love the submarine character. A good character is hard to come by! He's like a little teaser for the company, he can pop up in so many places and you can avoid ramming the company name down your potential client's throat while still reminding them who you are. The best one to me is in the top right, second one from the top. I like the ones where the submarine is in the green and then bleeds out into the negative space. I don't think the word sublime should be divided up, it's understandable without that why you're using the submarine. Great job, I think you've really got something, Mike!