1. What do you offer? Define the qualities of this.
Wonderroot provides studio space for artists, among them include studios for ceramics, music production, recording, darkroom space,and a digital media lab. They also provide limited space for performance art. Wonderroot also takes place in organizing various workshops and events in order to unite artists with the community to empower artists with a sense to be more proactive with their careers, and to give back to the community. Workshops range from poetry, music production, to bookmaking and illustrator/photoshop.
From the site :
"We believe that a healthy arts scene is vital to a growing city such as Atlanta. For this reason, we are passionate about offering arts-based service programs to Atlanta artists and people in need."
The programs/workshops fall into 3 categories:
1-Artists helping artists
2- Creativity for kids
3-Public art/beautification
2.What are the core values of what you offer? What are the core values of your company? generosity, inspiration, instruction, guidance, motivation.
3.What is your mission?(from the site)
"WonderRoot is an Atlanta-based 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization committed to uniting artists and community to inspire positive social change."
4. Any Specializations within your company? Art. Any and all mediums. WonderRoot believes our society is deeply engrossed in so many mediums of media, that it seems the perfect place to play as a catalyst for change to unite the arts community to give back to the world.
5. Target audience market? Everyone. WonderRoot is not biased, as the sense of uniting the community encompasses all. Target audiences range from small children to the most experienced/seasoned artist.
6. Existing tagline or slogan? What message is it sending?(from the site)
"Uniting artists and community to inspire positive social change"
7. From the answers you've gathered so far, what is a personality/character that could represent you? (Celebrity, car, etc.)I can aimagine a much more modernized, much cooler and hip Bob Ross, a sort of "cool art teacher" that some people have been lucky to have.
What qualities about this character stand out? Is the personality innovative, creative, energetic, or sophisticated? Informative, patient,imaginative.
8. How does this personality interact with your target audience? Which qualities get the attention of your audience? As an instructor, one that engages the viwer/audience with an unbridled sense of enthusiasm about art and life.
9. Review your answers, create a profile, describe the personality with words just as if you were writing a personal ad. be creative.